Furkan Ofset

School Books

School Book Printing

Today, with the decisions taken by the Ministry of National Education, school books are printed by the state and distributed free of charge to students for 12 years of compulsory education. However, both during the compulsory education process and during higher education, students may need some additional books. These books can be printed independently by their authors and delivered to students. Some textbooks that authors distribute to students free of charge or sell for money are made available through special printing processes because they have an independent structure. Whether school auxiliary textbooks or university books, these textbooks can be printed for you by our company as Furkan Ofset Printing House.

How can school books be printed?

While school books in compulsory education have a structure determined by the state, especially at the university level, they have a completely independent structure. As many people know, there is a university in almost every city today, and lecturers and academics at universities prepare their own books based on their own knowledge and work. Academics demand that these books be used by students in the following periods. In order for the books prepared by academic instructors to be obtained by students, either paid or free of charge, these books must first be printed. In this respect, it is possible to take the books to a professional printing process and print them with cardboard covers and book paper quality at low costs. In fact, during the printing process of school resources, in recent years, especially in compulsory education since 2020, there is a situation where books are offered to students on the internet. Under this condition, while many students demand their books in printed form, it may also be necessary to apply printing processes in terms of Eba textbooks. At such points, printing processes can be provided by requesting printing processes by official institutions with the permissions obtained from the necessary authorities and in order to provide students with affordable access to books.

Great Sensitivity for School Books

School books, which students will continue to use throughout their education life, are the most important sources in terms of obtaining information first-hand. For this reason, these resources should be printed in a durable structure that can be easily used and understood. In other words, it is important that the printing processes in such books are carried out in an organised manner. When preparing educational books at the level of compulsory education or academic level, the information should be turned into books with the right design and such books should be printed with the most accurate dimensions. As Furkan Ofset Printing House, our company works with very high care especially in the printing of academic books and books requested for students to continue their undergraduate and associate degree education without any problems. Our company only has a single branch located in the centre of Bursa and deals with printing, offset and printing services without providing services such as graphic design and vector design on this branch. For this reason, printing can be done with the desired qualities, sizes and quantities on educational publications for which printing permits have been obtained at every point. Generally, the size of the books may vary depending on the course content taught during the printing of educational books.However, most of the time, while printing is carried out with the use of cardboard covers and book paper, the prices are determined in a very economical way thanks to the number of pages and the number of prints. In this context, in order to receive printing services by taking advantage of the advantages mentioned in this context, you can request service at any time throughout the year by filling out the form at the bottom, contacting our company by phone or by e-mail.