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Price List Catalog

Price List Catalog Design
Kataloglar ürün tanıtımı konusunda, ürün teknik özellikleri konusunda ve ürünlerin fiyat listeleri konusunda müşterilere uzaktan bilgi vermeyi amaçlayan, tasarımları ile firmaları ve ürünleri destekleyen ve temsil eden kitap tasarımlarıdır. Bir katalog için en önemli özellik kataloğun firmaları ve ürünleri temsil edebilmesidir. Mevcut ürünlerinizin tanıtımı ve uzaktaki müşterilere sunumu için katalog tasarımları yaptırırsınız. Bazı katalog sunumlarında ürünlerin teknik özellikleri ve renk seçenekleri ile beraber fiyat bilgileri de sunuluyorken, bazı kataloglar için tüm bunlar yeterli olmayabilir. Bu gibi durumlar söz konusu olduğu zaman tüm kataloglarınıza ek olarak güncel ürün fiyatlarının yer aldığı bir fiyat listesi kataloğu oluşturmanız gerekebilir.
How to prepare a price list catalog?
When preparing a price list catalog, you need to create a design that is connected to other catalogs you have created. Coding or creating a special name for your products will make it easier for you to locate your product in the price list catalog and find it easily from the catalog. According to the names or codes you give to your products, you can easily scan and find them on the price list. In addition to coding, if you have made a naming and similar marking, if your products are divided into categories, you need to specially design the product catalogs accordingly. When making these designs, your main goal should be to find the product's place in the price list in the easiest way. When your customers or sales representatives receive product catalogs and price lists, they should be able to find the products on the catalog in a simple way and look at the price in this way. You can shape your price list catalog with an index, you can also categorize it, you can sort it like A-Z or 1-10. In designs made in this way, you can easily find the price of the product and give quick answers in your dialogs with your customers. You can also make pricing in the form of listing or juxtaposed with small images of products. Separating categories with different colors can help you create a comfortable list.
How should a price list catalog be printed?
When printing the price list catalog, you should pay the most attention to print quality. Maximum attention should be paid to professional color separation and care should be taken to ensure that the consumables used are of high quality. Price list catalogs, just like product catalogs, should be prepared in a quality manner and produced with quality consumables. You can choose to print with or without a cover. Since you will send it in addition to the product catalogs, it is important that the price list catalog is created with quality prints at least as much as the catalogs, not easily deformed and long-lasting. For this reason, it may be necessary to use covers in designs. Both cover prints and page prints should be made with quality and care, and should be carefully prepared as they will represent the catalog. Price list catalog printing can be done in color or black and white, but it is important that prices and colors are not mixed and made legibly. For this reason, the type of printing, the type of printing is important and should be prepared carefully. For this reason, attention should be paid to issues such as the quality of the selected printing materials and the professionalism of the printing machines.
Never skip quality, quality workmanship and quality printing systems in your price list catalogs, show the same care to your price list catalogs as much as you care about your catalogs. As Furkan Offset, we guarantee expert printing, quality consumables and careful workmanship for your catalogs for many years. We quickly produce price list catalogs for you, which we prepare with the highest quality consumables, the highest quality workmanship guarantee and the highest quality printing systems. We support your small design changes and bring economic prices and easy payment methods to your feet. In all our productions, we deliver the price list catalog in the quantity you wish on time.