Furkan Ofset

Dessert Box

a top view of the french sweet desert - macaroons in the cardboard box
sweet donuts in a paper box

Dessert Box Types

Packaging used in the food sector must be suitable for food products, capable of keeping food products fresh and in a safe environment for a period of time, and prevent deterioration and damage. All food boxes must be unique. When those that need to be eaten hot, cold or at room temperature are stored in separate boxes, spoilage and damage will be prevented, as well as moisture or deterioration in foods, and damage to the general structure of foods will be reduced.

For this reason, different boxes are used in all areas of the food sector, takeaway services, and come-and-go services. dessert boxes are one of them.

Buy Dessert Box

As Furkan Ofset, we produce dessert boxes in structures suitable for the desserts you sell and produce. We help you choose the boxes in structures suitable for your desserts, guide you, prepare the print quality of your special designs together with you, and help you make a choice by informing you about the consumables to be used and their quality. We offer special options for you in all dessert boxes, printed or unprinted.

We make special production in order to produce quality dessert boxes and make them ready for your use. In all our dessert box manufacturing, we offer food-grade, non-carcinogenic, special and suitable box types to your options, and we manufacture serial dessert boxes in the quality you decide and by applying your designs flawlessly. We prepare the most suitable box design and printing for you by answering all the questions you have in mind with our technical staff who are experts in their field for many years.

Moreover, we prepare special options for you with our affordable price guarantee and long-lasting dessert boxes. We produce just in time, print in the quantity you want, and ensure protected delivery.

Tatlı Kutusu Üretimi

Tatlı kutusu tasarımlarınız markanıza özel olarak tasarlanmalı, tatlının yapısına göre üretilmeli, farklı boyutlara da sahip olmalıdır. Sattığınız tatlının cinsine göre nasıl taşınacağı, nasıl muhafaza edileceğini göz önüne alarak tasarım yaptırmalı ve üretimine geçmelisiniz. Size veya markanıza özel tatlılarda o tatlının taşınacağı kutuların tatlınız için farklı boyutlarda olması gerekir. Üzerine yapılacak baskıların markanızı vurgulaması, kullandığınız tatlıların görsellerinin baskısının olması mecburidir. Bu yaklaşım satışını yaptığınız tatlının reklam ağını da genişletecek, kaliteli bir biçimde üretilmiş kutular marka imajınızı yükseltecektir.

Kaliteli ambalajlar kaliteli ürünler içereceğinden kullanacağınız kutular satışını yaptığınız tatlıların uzun süre korunmasını, kolay sevk edilmesini, hediyelik olarak alındığında şık bir görüntü sergilemesini sağlarsa olumlu geri dönüşler alacaksınız demektir.

Dessert Box Prices

Sherbet desserts and similar desserts, which are the most sold and purchased desserts in our country, which are a special part of our kitchen, are produced in a special, non-flammable, heat, cold and moisture resistant structure that prevents leakage and leakage. Quality prints on the outer surfaces of these boxes will reveal the image of both the dessert and your brand. In dessert box designs and selections, you should consider the structure of the desserts you produce, manufacture and sell. Separate boxes should be manufactured for sherbet desserts, separate boxes for milky or pourable desserts, and separate boxes for large-sized desserts such as cakes. At the same time, dessert boxes suitable for different kilograms should be selected for desserts sold by kilogram calculation.

The same design structure can be used for all desserts or different designs can be selected for different boxes. The design part should depend entirely on your taste and choices. Considering that dessert boxes are food boxes, it is important that they are protected against heat, light, moisture and other external factors. All desserts are susceptible to easy spoilage and at this point, suitable dessert boxes should be produced in order to avoid spoilage and to be stored for periods suitable for the food structure without any problems.